Tuesday, December 22, 2009

all i want for christmas…

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is...

Allow me to narrate the events in the order that they happened:


December 20th was the Solstice. It's the longest night in the year. I was at my dad's that night, where they celebrate the Solstice by lighting the Yule Log (it has holes drilled in it so we can put candles in). As each person lights their candle, they make a wish. My sister and I "partnered up" and both lit our candle at the same time. We each made a wish.

My wish was, I wish I could see the filly again.

I was thinking that, with that wish, I would let her go in the new year. Later, we returned home with our mom. I did schoolwork until around 3 (I had to make an ethnic dish for my world history class. I made Welsh Tea Cakes; they were surprisingly good). Then my mom and I drove to Bonnie's, where I would have my lesson.

I'd had to charge my phone earlier in the day, and so I hadn't checked my text messages. I did so in the car. I had a text from Bonnie, so I opened it. I lurched forward and said "oh my god."

This is what the text said:

Bonnie (1)

{Mon. Dec 21 01:10 pm
Guess what? The filly is back!!!}


I have to go clean my room right now, but I'll finish this later. Sorry I have to leave you on a cliffhanger. ^^;


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