Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas!

Is it possible that my filly’s return was a Christmas miracle? I don’t mean to get all sentimental, or foolish, but… it just seems like it was too amazing to be a coincidence.


Anyway, Merry Christmas! Or Happy Holidays, depending on if you celebrate it. I had a very pleasant day – mainly because I didn’t have to go to my father’s house at 10 00 AM like last year, which ruined Christmas entirely. Bastard. (Moving on.)

It was lovely. I spent a lot of time with my family, including my grandpa, and tomorrow my mom and I are going to go shopping. I’m going to my dad’s at noon, which is why I’m on so late (I’m getting up at 6 45 AM, gah). I have to do laundry and pack, since I won’t have time tomorrow. *headdesks repeatedly* Why didn’t I do this sooner?


I felt like I left out Luna/Houdini when I wrote before. Well, let me sum it up with this picture:


Get away, bitch!

Luna’s grouchier than usual. Then again, that might be because she doesn’t remember me – who knows? But I missed her, too. Mostly because I loved watching her and the filly touch noses. She’s prickly, but not altogether unkind. Sort of like the characters you see in books. I don’t know. I feel a kind of wry affection for her. *shrugs*


I so wanted to see her again – the filly, that is – today, it being Christmas and all. But I can’t just randomly show up at the barn and crawl through the fence, you know? Bonnie wasn’t going today, so I couldn’t ask if I could stop by (however awkward that might have been). I  won’t be able to see her tomorrow, either. AUGH. I want to see her again. I need to see her, so I can reassure myself that she’s still there; that she hasn’t disappeared, like a shadow in the night.

I pray that we’ll have a little longer to be together this time.


happy holidays! –tbk

written from my laptop, finished 11 31 PM [Fri, December 25, 2009]


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